We had so man fantastic entries and really it's all Muzzle's fault that it's taken so long to announce the winner. Something to do with worrying about the credit crunch I think she said - I thought that was maybe some kind of new dog food or a breakfast cereal, but looking at her face, I think not :-(
Anyway, we tried to decide which was our absolute favourite but it was really tough, so in the end Muzzle printed out the names of our favourites on lots on little bits of paper, folded them all up, made me sit and stay and put the bits randomly down on the floor.
Then she sent me to them to choose the winning name - she picked up the first piece of paper I chose, which is the winner :-)

It's Mango!!!
Congratulations Mango - a very worthy winner indeed :-))
As we said at the start of the challenge, there is a small prize for the winner, so if you could ask your mum to email mine with your address, we will send something to you :-)
Thank you everyone for taking part, it was really fun and if we do another challenge in the future I will try to get Muzzle to announce the winner more quickly next time!