Muzzle said I was very well behaved - such a good girl she let me stay off lead most of the day as I just hung around with her and the people nearby and said hello to lots of people and dogs. Muzzle was very proud of me and a few people told her how well behaved I was :)
This did mean I had the opportunity to check all those coming near the stalls for treats - and I did very well from this - well Muzzle said, who could resist this face ... ?

Not me. You have a most beautiful face!!!
Who indeed? You are such a cutie pie.
Good work, Minnie-Moo! You certainly know how to work the crowds.
We don't know who could resist your face☺ That is cool that you are so trustworthy you could be off leash.
What a good girl Minnie-Moo! Thats cool that you got to stay off leash most of the day.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
So hard to resist!
I’m doing my rounds and just wanted to pop by and thank you for commenting at my blog last month. I appreciate your input.
Hi Minnie-Moo
We have to agree with everyone. You are one gorgeous & well behaved pup.
Love Ruby & Penny
yup thats one very irrestible face - so so adorable - we practice that face for our rescue booth - its the dont you want to give us moneies face
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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