As you saw from my photo with the plastic cone on my head, I have been poorly recently :( The ABs helped with the infection in the skin around my eye, but then it got bad again so I had to go back to the vets for more drugs. I also had to have some tests run - I was very brave and let Muzzle leave me at the vets for a few hours while they sedated me to take some samples and blood. I was very pleased to see Muzzle and Daddy again when they picked me up! It seems I have an allergy to something and I itched it so much the skin got sore.
I am on ABs for another few weeks and Muzzle is taking me to see our holistic vet in a few weeks too. I am feeling much better now and don't have to wear the plastic cone, yay! The skin has healed really nicely and the hair that I lost around my eye is growing back well so Muzzle won't have to get out the black marker pen! (Joke!)
Muzzle took this photograph of me yesterday, she's finally able to let me run around in the muddy fields again without having to worry about nasty stuff getting into my skin and making the infection worse. Life is GOOD.

YEA for getting better. I'm glad the doctors are fixing you up so you can be well!!
And I think you would look good, magic marker and all! :)
Little Minnie! I am glad to see your smiling face. I sure hope that mom and the vet can figure out what is making your skin all funny. Cones are most certainly NOT fun.
So happy to see you smiling and
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Ahhh Minnie awful! :( We are so glad the cone has come off and you seem to be healing. Allergies are NO fun! We will keep you in our thoughts.
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