Friday 11 June 2010

Fun Friday

Muzzle took this video of me running around with one of my brothers today - we have great fun together when we do this and Muzzle loves to watch us :-)

We've put it on here at the smallest setting but it still seems too big for my blog! If you click on the video it should take you to YouTube to view it there properly. Muzzle says 720p HD is good.


Barbara said...

What kind of dog is your brother? You're both too cute for words.

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

Hi Barbara, thank you :-)

My brother is a border collie. He is a rescue dog too so Muzzle doesn't know his background other than he came from a farm originally and was very nervous :-( He might have something else in the mix somewhere but he's definitely very collie like.

Muzzle says I have been very good for him as he runs around a lot more on walks now. He's nearly 11 and they adopted him six years ago.


JacksDad said...

Wow, you sure can run fast!!! It must be great to have a playmate who lives with you!

Dexter said...

I watched the HD version on YouTube. We have the same problem with my movies being just too big to blog.

I see that you have springs in your leggies just like my idiot brother. You labradogs seem to just fly straight up into the air at the oddest moments.
