As promised, some photos from my gotcha day walk ...
We started off by the river - I'm not too fond of water (I know I'm a lab, but I prefer Muzzle and mud!). I did get my feet a little wet but I was with Muzzle while she took these photos, so these show some of the other dogs on the walk, who liked the water lots!

This is poor Bert, who got stuck in the river - this was taken at the start of the walk before things got scary. He's lovely, I lived with him and his family for a week in foster before I came home and he let me cuddle up with him. He's like a big brown Labrabear. We're all so glad he is ok.

This is little Louie, a mini-fox-red Labrador (OK, he's not really!). He's very sweet and is as obsessed with a ball as I am Muzzle says.

He had a run around with Sid:

And Sid had a run around on his own. I posted a photo of Sid a few months back, he had been in the pound for six weeks, ended up with pneumonia and I asked on here for healing thoughts. He went into Oldies Club foster care and ended up staying with his foster family. We have thought about him lots but this was the first time we had met him. He's lovely and it was great to see him doing so well after being so poorly :)

Here is a group photo Muzzle took - she thinks she has managed to count 12 dogs there, including all the heads and bums she can see! I'm near the front, right, wearing the harness (which Muzzle said made it easier to find me amongst all the other labs!).

We had a lovely walk along the river

And walked through different fields where I got to chase my ball with the other dogs chasing various dummies and balls.

It got rather muddy and Muzzle was glad she had worn her Muckboots even though she ended up with a little blister.

This is Louie waiting for his mum to catch up!

When Bert got stuck, Muzzle put her camera away and then once we got to the pub it rained, then hailed and snowed as we walked back, so she didn't take many photos then!
She did take one of me just before we got back into the car:

And one of Wiggle and Pudding being dried off - how cute?!!

Muzzle counted and said there were at least 8 rescue dogs on the walk, include me - we all got along really well, with lots of chasing, toy sharing, chip sharing
etc. Hope we can do it again, without any scary bits next time!