Muzzle organised a special walk for me today, with some of her friends and their dogs. There were 12 dogs altogether, including 11 Labs! It got a bit eventful when one of the dogs got stuck in the river and his mum had to go in and rescue him, but thank goodness they were both ok!
Apart from that scary bit, we had a good walk, though the weather started out really nice and sunny and on the way back changed to heavy rain, followed by hail and then snow! It got sunny again just as we got back to the cars and then started raining lots by the time we got home!
I'm really tired from that so I will post some photos in the next few days. I thought I would share this one from yesterday though, of me cooling off in a puddle.

Wow sounded like a great walk. That many labs together just spells T R O U B L E BOL. Rest up. =)
Happy Gotcha Day Minnie-Moo
It sounds like you had a really good time on your special walk.
Love Ruby & Penny
Happy Gotcha Day, Minnie-Moo. I can tell by all the happy and active pictures, that Dad and Muzzle lucked out just as much as you did. Perfect match-up, don't you think? By the way, I love that picture of you in the pond. You really are a beauty! Have to add that your weather sounds just like ours here in Vancouver. Today, there was beautiful sun, followed by clouds, cold (around zero Celsius, so not really that bad, but I needed mitts), rain, snow, and at the end of the day, another blaze of sun to wrap things up. P.S. I'm really glad the dog stuck in the river and his mum were okay!
Happy Gotcha day!!!!!!! What a great thing it is to be got. You really fell on your paws there.
Sun to rain to hail to snow! Oh my God! You must be a hardy lot.
Happy Gotcha Day Minnie-Moo!!! Woos a lucky lab to have that many friends!! Harooooooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
You are a gorgeous dog and I would love it if we could follow each others blogs.
Love Travis xx!!!
Hey thanx fur following my blog,it is a grrrreat honor.
I will follow yours now!!!
Love Travis
Love your blog!!!! Wish my two unruly labs were as well behaved as Minnie-moo!!!!! I will be following you for inspiration on how make me a better master so I don't get shown up so often by their madness!!
Linzi x x
I wish we had nice puddles like that here. Instead we got more SNOW!
Thank you for visiting my blog! Showed my boys your picture! They thought you were really cute!!! Labby love!!!!
Will get some more pics of them on. The weather been so sucky I havent taken many this year, but will soon fix that! Went on a lovely walk along the river in the hailstones today. We all got soaked, but still enjoyed it!
Talk to you soon,
Linzi x x
That picture of you in the puddle is grrreat!! I would never lay down in one but I would definitely get my toes wet. :) Glad your friend was rescued from the river and what a fun gotcha day!!
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