My brother has been making some new friends - there's a lovely yellow lab who he had a game of chase with - though she's not strictly a new friend as I had a fantastic run around with her a few weeks ago.

Then they met up with a black lab boy and did fun sniffy stuff ...

And then he met a little dog and they said hello:

And then a lovely Poodle we've met before - she likes to tell you she would like a treat please - and NOW!

Muzzle also took this photo of the yellow Lab, which we think is beautiful. It was quite early (for Muzzle!), the sun was just coming out from behind the clouds and the grass was still wet from the night before.

Hope you enjoy :)
And a quick reminder that the Minnie-Moo greetings card auction ends in a few days. The full details and current bids are
Minnie! Dexter just passed out from that last photo of your little pointy labragal face. Fine with me. Maybe I will paste your face on my monkey so the little brat stops ripping its limbs off.
Wow what fun you guys do!!
The yellow lab looks a little like Jack - except older!
We LOVE making new friends too. Looks like lots of fun was had. Have a wonderful weekend!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
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