“This award is presented to those dog bloggers out there who know the meaning of GREATNESS. Their blogs are consistently interesting, funny, or informative. Their KINDNESS is extended to others without expectation of it’s return, and their FRIENDSHIP inspires others to do EXTRAORDINARY things. These are the blogs you can’t wait to read everyday.
In short, they are AWE-INSPIRING, full of wonder, and simply PAWsome! Pass this award on to 4 others who you feel exemplify a “Paw”some Blog, and leave a note saying why you think they deserve the Pawsome Award!”
and Jack choose me as one of the four to receive the award because:
"We like Minnie-moo because 1) we like saying Minnie-Moo :) and 2) her peoples found her at the rescue place and brought her home and made her very happy."
Thanks Jack!!! Muzzle said I make them very happy too :-)
Now I have to decide who to pass the award on to, which isn't going to be easy as I would love to give it to everyone. I shall have a good think.
Our internet has been down a lot for a day or so so I'm a bit behind with blogging but will try to catch up over the weekend. I have some new photos of Sri Lankan Minnie to share and also must get my challenge entries up!
Have a great weekend everyone,
Congrats on that special award and have a wonderful weekend!!!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Now comes the hard part - picking out only 4 other puppies to share the award. It's like trying to decide which candy bar you want at the grocery store in the checkout line! :)
Congratulations on your award, Minnie-Moo! You deserve it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on the pawsome award, Minni-Moo. We like saying Minnie-Moo, too.
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Congrats on your award! Lucky girl!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
congrats on the award - hopefully you are having a wonderful weekend
Woodrow, Sweetie MJ
Congrats....I agree, I like saying Minnie-Moo too!!
Congratulations on your Award Minnie-Moo!
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations Minnie , I like reading your blog but I really love the photos
Love Sirius x x x x
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