Yesterday Muzzle and I arranged a last minute walk with a friend of mine,
Wiggle - a black Lab who is a sponsor dog from the same rescue as me - and his mum.
We walked along a river and through different fields where we chased balls, met nice people and dogs and had a splash in the river. Muzzle says I was quite brave as I went in a bit deeper in the river than usual so that I could retrieve the ball. She was pleased about this as it washed off the mud I'd got on me after laying down in a puddle!
We went to a pub/cafe place so the mums could have something to eat and drink and Muzzle saved me the last bit of her hash browns - yummy! Then daddy and his friend came and found us and took us home :)
Here are a few photos ...
Me waiting for Wiggle to come back with the ball.

I did get a bit braver ...

Swamp monsters? LOL

Wiggle loves the water!

Me doing my kangaroo impression for the ball Wiggle's mum is holding! ...

Wiggle looking rather handsome again :-)

There's a ball and a Minnie-Moo in this photo, in case you were wondering ...

Friends posing together :-)

Wiggle doing a bit of an Elvis impression

ME in the WATER past my ELBOWS! LOL

Me and my shadow

Pretty Minnie-Moo (so Muzzle says!)

Very handsome Wiggle

and after that Muzzle and I wanted to show you just what wonderful things Wiggle, his "mum" and
Labrador Rescue South East & Central have made happen. Wiggle came into rescue in summer 2008 after living a less than happy life for some time - this is one of the first photos his mum took of him - it makes Muzzle cry whenever she looks at the photo.

What an incredible transformation?! Wiggle looks so much younger, healthier and most importantly HAPPIER than he did last year. Muzzle says the light has come back into his eyes and that it would be hard to believe it was the same dog in both photos if we didn't know him. We love Wiggle :-)))
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy Wiggle doesn't look like that anymore - what a heartbreaking picture. Anyway, glad you had fun today - we went to the woods today and played in the water a bit, too! Just updated my blog with a post all about it.
Sam and MargeDog
Wiggle is a new pup for sure! So handsome and wet. I was proud of you going further into the water. Don't worry, you will see, once you go all the way in you will just love it.
WOW! Wiggle looks amazing!! It's like a whole new Wiggle!!
Looks like a lot of fun in the water...water does Elvis. :)
Wonderful transformation indeed! :)
Oh, it brought tears to my eyes also. It doesn't look like the same dog, the eyes are so so sad.
I have rescue dogs also, they are the best. I wouldn't get anything but a rescue. I lost my lab in 12/07, we miss him, he now sits in our living room with us in his own beautiful teak box, to always be with us. Bless you for rescuing and all those who also rescue. Luv U all
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