Hello, hope all my blogging friends are well. A special hello to the gorgeous
Mango as he has been a bit poorly of late :( We have always loved Mango and his gorgeous Lab brother, Dexter, but ever since we lost our brindle girl Cassie last year, we have loved the Mango even more. Nothing beats a gorgeous brindle Mastiffy creature.
Muzzle is worrying about me at the moment and would like to ask for your good thoughts. I had a routine blood test a few months ago, which showed my liver enzyme levels were elevated. It was retested a few weeks later and the levels had risen (though I had had an operation and medication so we thought it might be related to that).
I then had a re-test a couple of months after that, after being on Milk Thistle for about 8 weeks. The levels had increased again :-( Muzzle took me to see our holistic vet today and we are trying an additional supplement for a month and then doing *another* blood test. I may have to be sedated and have an ultrasound after that.
Muzzle and Daddy are worried about the sedation and we just want me to be all well, so if you have any good thoughts to spare, we would love some to head my way. I am looking really good, am full of energy etc., but that isn't stopping Muzzle worrying.