Muzzle says I look so fit and healthy but the results are still really worrying her (and the vets are concerned too and talking about ultrasounds). We are really hoping that this new supplement does the trick and brings my results back to an acceptable level on the next test.
Could you spare some thoughts for my little old brother Jasper too please? He's 13 plus and has a heart murmur and now his liver isn't looking so good. He is still very much enjoying life, but he could do with some healing energy too please. You can meet him here.
Love Minnie (& Muzzle)

Glad to hear Minnie is feeling better and OF COURSE we will do the same for Jasper!
We are thinking good thoughts for both you and Jasper - paws crossed for both to be feeling better. Hugs to all.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Of course you both have our good thoughts. I hope that the vet can figure out what is up with your liver and that Jasper can be comfortable and not sick.
Mango (and Dexter)
Hopefully the vet will figure out what is wrong soon :)
We are off to give Jasper (He's got a great name!) good wishes right now :)
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Sending pawsitive vibes to you both.
I'm just seeing this!! Paws crossed!! Kisses!
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