Muzzle is worrying about me at the moment and would like to ask for your good thoughts. I had a routine blood test a few months ago, which showed my liver enzyme levels were elevated. It was retested a few weeks later and the levels had risen (though I had had an operation and medication so we thought it might be related to that).
I then had a re-test a couple of months after that, after being on Milk Thistle for about 8 weeks. The levels had increased again :-( Muzzle took me to see our holistic vet today and we are trying an additional supplement for a month and then doing *another* blood test. I may have to be sedated and have an ultrasound after that.
Muzzle and Daddy are worried about the sedation and we just want me to be all well, so if you have any good thoughts to spare, we would love some to head my way. I am looking really good, am full of energy etc., but that isn't stopping Muzzle worrying.

Miss Minnie,
I hate to hear that you have sickies. A healthy gal like you should do fine with the sedation and the MRI. I just hope they can figure out what is messing with your liver. Good thoughts.
Sorry to hear all about this. Are you taking any pain medicine with Tylenol in it? Tylenol will raise liver enzymes. Prayers for you all.
Minnie, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. We will activate the power of the paw over here!
Which supplement is it? My cat is on Denosyl and it brought her ALT levels right down.
Best of luck and keep us updated.
Healing thoughts coming your way Minnie. I'm sure this supplement will do the trick!
Hi Miss Minnie,
Mango sent us over for a visit! You (and your naughty brother) are gorgeous!! Our Angel sister Allie had really elevated liver enzymes after eating som weird bird poop on one of our walks... Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon. You're so pretty we're going to just have to follow you!!
Rottie Kisses,
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Hello dere Miss Minnie da Moo -- Mango did send us too. We hopes yer liver is okey doke wif da new tests.
Mommy has said a prayer fer you and we've crossed paws.
Bobo and Meja
We just came over from Mango's blog!
You are very gorgeous :)
We are sending good thoughts to your liver, so that it gets better quickly!
Licks and lots of healing slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Hi Minnie-Moo, came over from Mango's blog to say hello and hope you get better very soon. You look like a sweetie for sure. Take care, no worries, love Carol.
Mango sent us, too. We will certainly keep our paws crossed for you and your liver. Hope they figure out what the problem is and fix it lickety split.
Jed & Abby
We came from Mango's bloggy and we are sorry to hear you are sick~
We are keeping you in our thoughts and pawrayers~
Anakin Man, IzZY, Josie and TriXie
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