There was a big puddle of water there - Muzzle said it was the sea!

Muzzle threw my toy into the water so I had to go in a little way to get it - the water tasted funny, not like it does out of my bowl!

I got the toy as quickly as I could!

I sat with Dad by the water while Muzzle took some photos.
I played with my toy on the beach for a while, running after it and bringing it back to Muzzle and Dad. They were really pleased with me because there were lots of people and dogs on the beach but I didn't run off. Muzzle said my re-call was brilliant!

After playing on the beach we went to get some food - Daddy gave me some of his fish and Muzzle let me have a few chips!
A nice lady came to say hello to me and said she was looking to adopt another Lab, so Muzzle gave her details of the Lab rescue I came from and of Oldies Club. A man came over with a little girl to ask if she could say hello to me too - I sat really nicely and let the little girl stroke me.

Then we walked up the cliff path - Muzzle was a bit scared as we went high, but I helped her be brave. The sun was falling down in the sky and it looked pretty so Muzzle took some photos.
I slept all the way home!