A few of my blogging pals have very kindly shared their awards with me recently and I've not been very good at doing anything with them, so I am going to post about them now.
Henry the dog shared two awards.
The first:

Henry said:
The first one is the Premio Dardos Award. Premio Dardos apparently means “prize darts” in Spanish. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. That can't be me - it sounds much too grand, but hey, what the hell. I AM grand. And so are my doggy pals.
And the second:

About which Henry said:
The premise of this award is blogs that one couldn't miss each morning.
Thank you Henry, it's great to know people enjoy my blog :)
In addition, Dexter, lovely Lab brother of
Mango shared this award:

I am meant to tell you ten honest things about me. I am going to have a think about this and will add things as I think of them! Thanks Dexter!
I would like to share these awards but I don't want to single dogs out - so they are for any doggie friends that follow/post on my blog :)
28 April update:
OK, I am going to do the ten things in stages when I get a chance to think about them.
1. I am called Minnie-Moo because: Muzzlehad applied to adopt a Lab pup from rescue and was thinking of names. She had boy names sorted but no girl names. She was sat talking to my brother Max (AKA Mr Moo/Moo) and telling him the pup would be a mini version of him - she said the pup would be a "mini Moo" - and there was my name, Minnie-Moo! :-)
2. I sleep most nights with my Muzzle and dad, I like to snuggle up between them and sometimes I share Muzzle's pillow. She says she prefers to find my head on it than my bum!
3. I am a Labrador but I'm not very keen on water, except to drink. Mud is good, fresh flowing water not so good. We went for a lovely walk in a forest recently and Muzzle had to almost push me into a teeny stream to encourage me to have a drink.
4. When I am parted from Muzzle and don't want to be, I sometimes say "Mummy" (well quite a lot actually). They haven't managed to get it recorded yet but they find it very cute and it helps me get what I want.
5. I do a spinning dance when it's dinner time because I get so excited.
6. I am going on my first holiday this year. It is just for a few days but there are lots of people going and about 50 dogs! Lots of them are rescue dogs like me. Many people and dogs are camping but Muzzle and I have a room in a B&B with our own bathroom!
7. I like eating horse pooh, it's tasty ... and sheep pooh and cat pooh and rabbit pooh. Sometimes Muzzle forgets I have eaten pooh and lets me kiss her.
8. I have a long tongue. Quite often when I fall asleep a little bit pokes out, which Muzzle and Dad find really cute. Also, when I am alseep, if Muzzle looks at me, I will often wake up. Muzzle says we are joined at the hip.
9. When we are out walking and I'm off-lead and running ahead, I like to turn back often to check Muzzle is there and ok. We're joined at the hip.
10. I am a little Labrador, small but perfectly formed. A true "Minnie", Muzzle says.