Muzzle isn't sending Christmas cards this year so she made me pose wearing a Christmas hat so she could use it to wish people a Merry Christmas instead.
Don't I look full of seasonal joy?

Muzzle thinks I look REALLY cute in this one, I have to agree :)

Here's a photo of our nice cosy fireplace. That's meant to be Muzzle's armchair but we keep jumping on it as it's nice and close to the fire!

Talking of fire, here are a couple of shots Muzzle took of the fire close-up, take a look if you are feeling a bit chilly, they help warm you up!

Tomorrow a friend is coming round to help chop up some more wood - we are going to be using the stove a lot this winter Muzzle said. Hooray!
Hi Minnie-Moo
You look very festive in your holiday attire. Love the braids.
A fireplace makes a room so warm & cozy. I just love to lie near mine.
Love Ruby
Hi Minnie-Moo!
I just LOVE your Christmas pictures! You look stunning! I bet the fire is nice and cozy this time of year!
Hello Ruby and Tibby, yes the fire is really lovely and cosy! We are all snuggled up in the sitting room. Bedtime wee-wees are going to be cold though!
I'm glad you like my Christmas photos - Muzzle chose me as she thought I'd be the least bothered by having to wear a silly hat! I was very good and stayed still for ages while she tried to get the right shots (she's very fussy!).
We dogs are going to have a Christmas dinner this year too - I am looking forward to the roast potatoes as Daddy says Muzzle makes really good ones.
Thanks for the photos of fire. What an interesting thing! Your looking great Minnie-Moo.
Norty Muzzle dressing you up like that !!!!!!!! But you do look rather cute :)
Love Auntie Mindy xx
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