I wish that Bruce will find a lovely new home to make him smile again.

Can you offer him a special home, or do you know someone that could?
He is being rehomed through the East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club - you can read more about him by clicking HERE.
Hi Minnie Moo
What a wonderful wish. I hope it comes true and Bruce finds a forever home.
That is a pawsome wish! I have a wish too: my wish is that your wish comes true very very soon! I hope that Bruce can find his family before the Holidays!
If I ever saw a dog needing a home it's Bruce. I do hope he finds one very soon.
Oh Minnie-Moo he is sooo sweet!
I hope he finds his forever home soon!
Oh WOW, oh WOW MM, it says he's RESERVED on the staffy site :-)
Aunty Hxxx
(PS you are looking gorgeous as ever MM. Am especially liking the santa hat)
Isn't that great news, we have everything crossed here for him :)
Bruce has found a new home! Hooray!
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