Today I went with my brother to the woods again - it was snowing, which was great fun - luckily we don't collect those funny snow balls on our legs and underneath bits like some dogs do!
Having a good sniff on arrival ...

We kept moving to make sure we stayed warm and did some toy chasing which was fun too!

Here's my brother, having fun :-)

Muzzle said she needs to practice taking photos of black dogs against snow - this isn't up to her usual standard, I agree!

She did however take some closer-up shots which she was really pleased with. Got to admit, I'm looking rather cute!

We walked by the lake again. It wasn't totally frozen over but the ducks were a bit cold we think and were hanging around near the edge hoping for food, which we didn't have. We'll try to remember to buy some soon - they do get fed regularly though.

I LOVE your new header Minnie-Moo and I think the pictures are great! Mom says to tell your Mom that she was told to change the exposure when taking a snowy picture to overexpose the subject so it's not too dark. She hasn't tried it much though so she doesn't really know if it works. Glad you had fun in the snow.
You are pretty, Minnie-Moo. I like your new header too. xxx
Looks like great fun! Pics are great.
Thank you :-) Muzzle says I'm a huge poser, as soon as I notice she is holding her camera to her eye, I pose for her!
Thanks for your mom's tips Nala :-) Muzzle had read that too - she says we don't get enough snow to get much practice, but she's been trying this week.
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