Thank you for all the good wishes, I am feeling better now :-)
Yesterday the sun was shining, Muzzle said spring had arrived (though it seems to have changed it's mind today!).
Muzzle took some photos of my collie brother and me with a "spring in our step".

The sun made a nice change from the snow and rain we've had recently.
My brother refused to play with a lovely labrador but then had a good charge around on his own.

He looked very pleased with himself ...

On the way home he decided to go through a hedge rather than using the gate, so Muzzle called him back through and took some photos.

Muzzle took this photo of me last week. We were in the woods and she heard a woodpecker in one of the trees. She stood watching the bird for a while - and tried to take some photos but none of them were any good.
Then she turned round to see what I was doing - and I was just sat patiently waiting for her like this. She said I am a very good girl and make a very good photographer's assistant :)
Yay! You're feeling better! And sunshine as well!
Hi Minnie-Moo
You are a good assistant. You and your muzzle take great photos.
We're glad you are feeling better.
Love Ruby & Penny
Glad you are feeling better and how great to have spring like weather! It's been sunny here this week too! :) Enjoy!
Its furry nice to meet you! Thank you fur stopping by my blog :)
Gruffs from the Scruff
Wonderful photos....looks like a good time was had by all!! :)
Wow that looks like fun! Wish I could join you!
Brilliant photos. So glad you're feeling better. I've had a bad tum from time to time. It's not much fun is it?
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